About Us

MOB(Mera Online Business)

India's Best Business Connection platform for all type of business

MOB is a business networking & listing platform. MOB Provides necessary tools for operation, leads & visibility for sales & marketing and Hiring support so that business owner can hire best talent and grow their business at fast pace.

Users & Customers can use MOB to find the best businesses and available products nearby as well as employees can look upon available job opportunities in their own city and schedule there interviews easily.

MOB is a perfect platform to join for a business owner. Here we provide opportunity to a business so that they can network with other business owner of same industry as well as of different industry.

E.g. -> A electronic retailer can connect with wholesaler, manufacturer in same city as well as directly from metro cities to get the best discounts & rates.


Why list your business on MOB ?


Verified Connections

As we only bring only verified businesses, always get connected with verified and genuine business.


Connect Easily

You have not to worry about building connections, we instanty add you to the groups similar to your business interest.


Unlimited Creatives

Create, Download & share unlimited creatives and design and promote your business on social networking platforms.


Our Team

We are a team of passionate youngsters who believes that entrepreneurship will shape the India in upcoming decade. Our mission is to provide all possible support & help to entrepreneurs so they can scale fast, grow fast & bring new revolution in India.